Time of Day

Time of day matters. For some reason, our demeanor can completely change based off of our schedule. It can be extremely rejuvenating to plan in times that break our timely routine.

    I love slow mornings. I'm spending a couple days in LA and I have the opportunity to stay with a couple of great friends. This morning I woke up at 8:15 AM, took a shower, read my bible and journaled with some coffee, talked to a couple great friends, ate a couple eggs, and now I'm capping the morning off with writing a blog. 

    Try something new on your off day:

    • If you always go to be early, try going for a walk late at night
    • If you always wake up later, try waking up earlier to read
    • If you always eat the same lunch, try going out of your way for something else.

    Time of Day Matters



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