Stand Your Ground

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What happens when the waves come?

What’s important to you? Family, money, purpose, friends, health? I hope your answer to all of those was a resounding yes! So what happens when opposition makes it hard to maintain these values? Not letting the waves knock you down, or at least not letting the waves keep you down, is the key. But what happens if you stand your ground for years rather than for just months?

We tend to overestimate what we can do in the short term but underestimate what we can do in the long term.

Short term

  • Save $100 monthly for 3 months? Not much will change.

  • Read 10 pages a night for a month straight? Not much will change.

Long Term

  • Save $500 monthly for 5 years? That’s $30,000.

  • Read 10 pages nightly for 5 years? 18,250 pages (76 books read)

Whatever is important to you, stay in it for the long haul. It’s going to hurt like hell. It’s going to be the last thing you want to do on more days than you’d like to admit, but keep going. If you fail for the 208,434 time, get back up. This is our resolve: We will not let failure have the last word.

What do you need to re-commit to today?


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