Prayer as a Weapon

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How do we love those in our lives better?

I have found myself ask this question many times. The solution isn't new either...

Pray for those you love. We can so easily take prayer for granted. We say things like, "Of course I pray for you". But do we?

A part of the dedication to friendship that we make needs to be a commitment to prayer. We all belong to a tribe of people, and circle of friends that we have an opportunity to protect, inspire, and challenge each other to live in the strengths God has uniquely bestowed upon us. 

I want to be a person who prays on behalf of each person in my tribe.  We need to be people who fight for those we love consistently and our main weapon is prayer. This commitment of prayer provides us a way of falling more deeply in love with those God has allowed in our lives. Empathy and compassion will not be an issue if a habit of intercessory prayer can occur consistently on behalf of those we care about.

Do you pray consistently for your Tribe?


Experiential Deja Vu


House of Refuge