Painting Christianity

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This past week has been very humbling for me. I've realized that I have been largely ignoring a way of perceiving the art piece that is the Gospel... and I've done it without even knowing it.

With that said, I'll start with a question that I asked myself in the beginning of the week, and I'll end with a question that is currently helping me to widen the way I view this art.

I wonder if we paint the Gospel of Christianity predominately in a male perspective?

Let me explain...

Paul gives a spectacular compliment to the Thessalonians at the beginning of his 1st letter:

Indeed, you are my glory and joy.
— 1st Thessalonians 2:20

Before I go on, I'm aware that not all Women think this way and vice versa. My point is that there can be different ways we as humans read the same words.

Female Perspective:

"Paul lived his life with these people. They laughed and they cried together, they ate and they worked with each other. As time passed, they both became each others 'Glory and Joy'. In return, they reap the benefits of dedicating themselves to each other by loving well and intentionally growing along the way. It wasn't a system or a business plan, just people deciding to breath the same air. "

Male Perspective:

"Paul had the opportunity to disciple the people of Thessalonica. As time went by, they became his 'glory and joy' as he created a system of creating Jesus followers. In return, Paul reaped the benefits of seeing their leadership for the rest of his life knowing he helped create the church."


In my life I've only looked at the gospel as a way to 'transcend' normalcy. Most (not all) men have a tendency to systemize the gospel to make it a "Leadership Development Program of Disciple Making". We look at the gospel as a bold, adventurous, strong art piece. This is great in all, but we're missing out on something. 

I've seen an entirely different female perspective this past week as many (Not all) women see the gospel as a charge to "Be Love". They paint Christianity to be a gospel of community, where it's not hard to give of yourself; A culture that is intentional, consistent, warm and caring. The gospel is a place to grow without having to be somebody.

I don't believe one perspective is the whole picture, but I've come to realize that together they paint a more holistic view of our God. 

Have you opened your eyes to view another way of seeing Christianity?



Dominating the Competition

