10 Ways to know you've Fallen in Love with God

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When do you know you are falling in love with God?

God can do anything, far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
— The Bible

Here are 10 ways to know…

Well, this love will be so sensational that you will not have a desire to find affirmation elsewhere (1). By having this inner confidence, no longer do you look to the world with your insecurities, or selfish desires but through the eyes of an opportunist (2): Seeking and seizing ways to love people big. A love that covers you like a million colorful umbrellas will help you realize that you are worthy to be loved just the way you are (3).

All of the sudden, you attain the eyes of God (4). You realize that miracles of a new future (5) that could never be imagined before falling in love with God, are now placed before you every day! New colors are seen (6), new ideas are thought (7), new relationships are formed (8). In your pursuit that takes you from serving yourself to serving others (9), a new life is formed. Falling in love with God will mess you up (10).

When was the last time you fell in love with God?


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